Monday, January 28, 2019


If you are reading this blog as a result of a conversation with me during the January 19 - 23, 2019 time period the very first item is for me to convey to you my BIGTIME THANKS!!  DUHS folks are/continue to be SMOKIN'!!!  A couple of  things I'd like to let you know about as a result of some of  our interactions.

 I responded to the question regarding my favorite place to go to listen to jazz in this area by telling you about Sharp 9  Gallery  This link should get you to a listing of the upcoming concerts.  The  concert tomorrow night January 29 is a monthly "SMOKIN'" HAPPENING.

In terms of who's doing a jazz gig where in this Durham Jazz  Reservoir, should get you to Peter's blog.  Peter provides current jazz goings on which he usually updates every Monday.

As a bonus  -  We who enjoy listening to jazz on the radio get to tune in to our great local jazz radio station coming from the campus of NCCU,

Again,  DUHS FOLKS SMOKE!!!  THANKS SO MUCH.  (please pass my appreciation on to your associates in the organization who may not get to read this blog post)  Edward Furtick, Jr.,

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