Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Many of you probably recognize the title of this post as my usual response when folks tell me that it's good to see me.  This time of year makes me reflect on some major events that cause me to again remember that being here to be seen is in fact a real good thing as far as I'm concerned! On March 21, 1964 Nina Simone performed "Mississippi Goddamn" at Carnegie Hall.  On June 21, 1964 Schwerner,  Goodman, and Chaney went missing in Mississippi - their bodies were found in an earthen grave on August 4, 1964.  Schwerner was a music lover.  He enjoyed jazz and had a particular joy when listening to brother Ray.  On July 30, 2017 Jahi ,  who was just 19 years old, left this earth.  Jahi had a world class smile.  He liked "more brassy" jazz.  Mickey Schwerner and I were pretty good buddies when we were at Cornell. We worked together waiting tables.  We drank some beers and stuff together.  We listened to Ray Charles and lots of good music together.  Jahi Furtick was my grandson.

I do feel blessed to be in the heart of The Durham Jazz Reservoir at this stage of the game  In addition to my family, and  many longtime and shorter time friends, the folks who makeup The Durham Jazz Reservoir  - musicians, venue operators/owners, listeners - all continue to make me respond, "It's Good To Be Seen!"  There's a whoe lot of great stuff going on for us jazz lovers some in the very recent past, some right now, and some soon to come.  I'll try to make mention of  what I can.  In fact, two  CD release parties on August 10 -Erid Hirsh and Thomas Taylor.  One of my long anticipated events on September 14th, a MODERN JAZZ QUARTET (MJQ) tribute performance.  Every Thursday 7-10 at the rooftop of the Durham Hotel a knock down dragout jazz jam session under the outstanding guidance of Al Strong.
And there's more!!Thank you Durham Jazz Reservoir.  Thank you Ellen.

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